A Case Study in Canine Trigger Point Therapy

Submitted by: Ken Bain

At a recent agility competition, the owner of a 4 year old female border collie, named Pogo, requested a trigger point therapy session. The owner had no specific problems to be addressed.

Findings during the trigger point session:

  1. Significantly diminished passive range of motion (ROM) in the left shoulder on extension (approximately 70% of normal)
  2. Slightly diminished ROM on left shoulder flexion with elbow extension.
  3. All other limbs were slightly diminished in their ROMs, but not significant.
  4. Active trigger points were found in left teres major, left thoracic trapezius, left tricep (long head), and right iliopsoas with hyperirritability on each.
  5. All trigger points were treated and normal ROMs were established.

The trigger point session lasted 35 minutes.


Case Study in Canine Trigger Point Therapy (3031 downloads )